Saturday, January 15, 2011

A GREAT Quote!!

I am SO loving this journey through the Psalms and learning more about God, but also about how the men and women of the Old Testament related to and experienced God!

As I've been reading the Psalms, I've also been reading an incredible devotional by Warren Wiersbe*...  This morning I read Psalm 44 and I read a quote in Wiersbe's book that I just had to post for everyone who is going through a hard time of waiting...

He said, "He always waits to do His will at a time when it will do us the most good and bring Him the most glory.  (Now for the part I REALLY love...)  The delays of God are not denials."

Let me write that again...  "The delays of God are not denials."  Denials of us or our circumstances...  I think too often when God seems silent, we are like the writer of the Psalm...  We think God has rejected us...  Forgotten us...  Or just gone to sleep on us...

But none of that is true...  Just look at the cross...  He gave His ONLY Son to die for us...  EVERYTHING He does is for our good and His glory...  We can trust that, even when our circumstances and our feelings seem to be telling us something different!

Whatever you're going through right now...  CLING to cross and the UNFATHOMABLE love of God...  He hears your prayers...  He loves you beyond your wildest imagination...  And He will answer in His time!

Remember...  Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that FAR outweighs them all!  (1 Corinthians 4:17)...  Have a blessed weekend!

*Devotion by Warren Wiersbe is "Prayer, Praise & Promises, A Daily Walk Through The Psalms."  It's out of print, but you can still find it from re-sellers...

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