Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just Bummed...

I am so bummed right now...Zack had a soccer game this afternoon and about 15 minutes into the game, he got hurt. Usually, he jumps right up, no matter how hard the hit and keeps going, but I could tell today was different.

He got up, but with a major limp... He kept playing, but then the coach realized that he was hurt and pulled him out. I watched him head to the sidelines and immediately pull of his sock and shoe and the next thing I knew, his teammate was heading for us...

Right now his ankle is somewhere between the size of a golf ball and a baseball... He heard two pops when it happened, not exactly encouraging. He LOVES to play soccer so much, and I LOVE watching him play. It would break his heart and mine if this turns out to be more than a bad sprain, we'll see tomorrow...we may be headed to the doctor (actually, I'm pretty certain we're headed to the doctor, unless a miracle happens over night.)!

I guess you could be's just soccer...and you'd be right, but he's played since he was 4 years old, he's really good and he loves it. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but he has such a GREAT coach right now who is teaching him so much, it would just be a really hard loss for him right now. And, as I'm sure you know, that's hard for a mom to watch.

Well, God's plans are perfect and even if it's more than a sprain, I'll thank Him because He may be protecting Zack from something far worse than just a sprain... The games have been particularly violent lately.

Here's picture from today and one of Zack from last week... I don't have any of Zack today... If you think of it, would you say a little prayer for him? Thanks in advance...

Can this guy fly or what?!

Last week

The Cheering Section!

Zack did the driving portion of Driver's Ed over the last couple of weeks. We found this sign in our yard last weekend!! K., in the picture above with Abby and Mackenzie, put this together with her dad (our neighbors and closest friends.)! It was a hoot to watch people driving by, slow down, read it and just smile!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

trina said...

This is so awful! Tell him our house will be praying for him to recover quickly. We totally understand the importance...and that he won't be in pain missing school,too. I LOVE the sign in your yard. Soooo funny. Tell his dad he needs his social life back...wink!!